Mumbai: The BSE Sensex on Tuesday advanced further by 255.76 points to 65,910.91 in the opening session as buying was seen in financial services, health care, and IT stocks.
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) gained 81.80 points to 19,775.80.
The NSE posted intraday highs and lows at 19,790.05 and 19,754.05 points, respectively.
The Mid Cap gained 0.36 pc, and the Small Cap gained 0.42 pc.
The BSE Sensex registered intraday highs and lows at 65,960.22 and 65,849.17 points, respectively.
In 30 scrips, 18 advanced while 12 declined.
The gainers were JSW Steel by 1.99 pc to Rs 776.90, Titan by 1.21 pc to Rs 3386.20, Reliance Industries by 1.11 pc to Rs 2375.30, and Tata Steel by 1.08 pc to Rs 125.80.
The losers were NTPC by 0.58 pc to Rs 249.50, L&T by 0.52 pc to Rs 3072.52, Tech Mahindra by 0.45 pc to Rs 1206.10, and IndusInd Bank by 0.29 pc to Rs 1500.55.