New Delhi, Apr 14 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced the extension of nationwide
lockdown till May 3 saying the pandemic cannot be allowed to spread any further.
“Follow the rules of lockdown with full devotion till May 3, stay where you are, stay safe,” the Prime Ministersaid in his nearly 23-minute televised address.
Laying the roadmap ahead for the nation, he said that rules will be eased for areas where the lockdown is implemented properly and fewer new cases are registered till April 20.
Mr Modi said India has managed to contain the pandemic well compared to many developed countries due
to its holistic approach and timely decisions.
‘If India would not have adopted a holistic approach, if an integrated approach was not initiated, India’s situation
would have been different (compared to many developed countries). It is clear from the experiences of the past fewdays that the path we have chosen is right,’ the Prime Minister said.
When India had only 550 Corona cases, then itself the the big step of a 21-day complete lockdown was taken, hesaid. ‘India did not wait for the problem to aggravate. Rather, we attempted to nip the problem in the bud itself, by
taking quick decisions as soon as it arose.’
He said the lockdown will be extra strict till April 20 with all regions being monitored to ensure that no rules are
The Prime Minister said the government will release a detailed plan for the lockdown on Wednesday.
Mr Modi made a seven-point appeal to the nation and sought support of the people.
First appeal was taking special care of the elderly in your homes, especially those who have chronic disease.
‘We have to take extra care of them, and keep them safe from Coronavirus,’ he said.
The second appeal was to completely adhere to the ‘Lakshman Rekha’ of Lockdown and Social Distancing.
‘Please also use homemade face-covers and masks without fail,’ he maintained.
The third thing was to follow the instructions issued by AYUSH ministry to enhance your immunity.
‘Regularly consume warm water and ‘kadha’,’ the Prime Minister suggested.
He asked the people to download the Arogya Setu Mobile App to help prevent the spread of corona infection and inspire others also to do the same.
The Prime Minister made the fifth appeal which was taking care of poor families as possible, especially try
to fulfilling their food requirements.
He asked people to be compassionate towards the people who worked with them in their business or industry.
‘Do not deprive them of their livelihood,’ he appealed.
In the last and seventh pointer, Mr Modi reiterated his earlier call ‘to pay utmost respect to nation’s Corona
Warriors – our doctors and nurses, sanitation workers and police force’.