Osaka (Japan), : The BRICS member nations on Friday unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and reaffirmed the pledge to support international cooperation in combating illicit financial flows, including cooperation within the Financial Actions Task Force (FATF).
“We reaffirm our commitment to support international cooperation in combating illicit financial flows, including cooperation within the Financial Actions Task Force (FATF), the World Customs Organisation and other relevant multilateral mechanisms,” a BRICS statement said here after the group leaders’ Informal Meeting on the margins of G20 Summit here.
“We strongly condemn terrorist attacks, including against BRICS countries, in all forms and manifestations, wherever and by whom so ever committed. We urge concerted efforts and a comprehensive approach to counter terrorism under the UN auspices on a firm international legal basis,” the statement said.
The five member grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa “reiterated” that it is the responsibility of all states to prevent financing of terrorist networks and of terrorist actions from their territories.
“We reiterate our commitment to fight the exploitation of internet for terrorist purposes. While recognising that states have the leading role to ensure safety and security in the use of ICTs, we call on the technology companies to cooperate with governments, in accordance with applicable law, to eliminate the ability of terrorists to use digital platforms to encourage, recruit, facilitate or commit terrorist acts,” it said.
The statement recognised the role of whistle-blowers in preventing and combating corruption in both the public and private sectors and the need to improve measures to protect whistle-blowers.
“We acknowledge that corruption, including illicit money and financial flows, and ill-gotten wealth stashed in foreign jurisdictions, is a global challenge which may impact negatively on economic growth and sustainable development”.
In the statement, BRICS member nations said they will strive to coordinate the approach and encourage a stronger global commitment in this regard.
“We also recognise the need to strengthen cooperation, subject to domestic legal systems, in anti-corruption law enforcement, extradition of fugitives, economic and corruption offenders, and in recovering stolen assets,” the statement said.
At the meeting earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said – “Terrorism remains the biggest threat for entire humanity)….Terrorism not only takes lives of innocent people….but it also hampers economic progress and poses an adverse impact on social stability”.