New Delhi, : The House of the People on Thursday paid homage to the former members who passed away during the inter-session.
Speaker Om Birla made obituary references in respect of S Rajendran, member of 16th Lok Sabha, Vishwa Nath Shastri of tenth LS, Paripoornand Painuli of fifth LS, KJK Ritheesh Sivakumar of 15th Lok Sabha and SPY Reddy of 14th and 16th Lok Sabhas.
Members also paid tributes to V Vishanatha Menon of 4th Lok Sabha, R N Rakesh of 6th, 7th and (th Lok Sabha, Hariom Singh Rathore of 16th Lok Sabha, M K Subba of 12th to 14th LS, Kamlesh Balmiki of 15th LS and Sheela Gautam of 10th to 13th Lok Sabhas.
Members observed silence for a few moments and prayed for the departed souls.