Pakistan rolls out red carpet for Saudi Crown Prince

Islamabad, 17 (UNI) For a country running out of foreign reserves, facing a yawning current account deficit and fighting to secure its financial future, Pakistan is putting on quite a show for Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler – Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. And it’s easy to see why: Prime Minister Imran Khan needs money, […]

ICJ to hold public hearings in Kulbhushan Jadhav case from Feb 18

The Hague: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will hold public hearings in the Kulbhushan Jadhav case from Monday at The Hague during which India and Pakistan will present their arguments before the top UN court, which was set up after World War II to resolve international disputes. Jadhav, 48, was sentenced to death by […]

Move employees in Jammu to boycott duties from Monday, cite insecurity

Jammu, Feb 17: Darbar move (non-secretariat) employees’ federation have decided to boycott their official duties from Monday (February 18) Fearing attacks on their families putting up at the government quarters in Jammu. Owais Wani, State president of the association told Daily Asianmail on phone that their families won’t be safe if the male members will […]

Mobile internet blocked in Srinagar, other parts of Valley

Srinagar, Feb 17 (UNI) Mobile internet of all Cellular companies, including Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), has been blocked in the Kashmir valley, including summer capital, Srinagar, as a precautionary measure to prevent spread of rumours. However, BSNL Broadband and point-to-point internet service of private companies, was functioning though with low speed. The suspension of […]

Sena MLC wants boycott of tourism in J&K

Mumbai, Feb 17: Against the backdrop of the Pulwama attack that claimed lives of 40 CRPF personnel, a Shiv Sena MLC wants people from other parts of India to boycott tourism in Jammu and Kashmir for two years. Sena legislator and spokesperson Manisha Kayande said boycotting tourism in Jammu and Kashmir, “where youth, women and […]

Govt withdraws security of 5 separatist leaders including Mirwaz Umer

Govt withdraws security of 5 separatist leaders including Mirwaz Umer

New Delhi, Feb 17: The Jammu and Kashmir administration on February 17 issued orders to withdraw security of five separatist leaders, including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, officials said. Besides Mirwaiz, the security cover for Abdul Gani Bhat, Bilal Lone, Hashim Qureshi and Shabir Shah has been withdrawn, they said. According to the order, all security and […]

Divisional Administration Kashmir establishes helpline

Srinagar, Feb 17 : Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir has established a helpline in the office in view of the concerns ventilated by certain quarters, especially those students residing and studying outside the state and to overcome the same. Today some calls were received which were taken care of immediately. The helpline numbers are Additional Commissioner, Kashmir […]

Curfew continues in Jammu for third consecutive day

Curfew continues in Jammu for third consecutive day

Jammu, Feb 17: A curfew in Jammu continued for a third consecutive day on Sunday with the authorities saying that it will remain in force until the law and order situation improves in the city. “The situation was normal and under control during the night except for some stray incidents,” a police official said here. […]

Guwahati teacher suspended for FB post blaming army for atrocities on civilians in Kashmir

Guwahati, Feb 17: A college teacher was suspended here for a Facebook post over the February 14 suicide attack in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama that claimed the lives of 49 CRPF troopers. In her post on Thursday, Papri Banerjee, who works as an Assistant Professor of the English department at the city’s Icon Academy Junior […]

J&K Bank files Rs.50 crore defamation suit against Raja Muzaffar Bhat: Court issues restraint order

J&K Bank files Rs.50 crore defamation suit against Raja Muzaffar Bhat: Court issues restraint order

Srinagar, Feb 16: The Court of Additional District Judge Srinagar today restrained Raja Muzaffar Bhat from publishing any defamatory or causing to publish any defamatory material against the bank on print, electronic or social media. Notably, the Bank filed a defamation suit against Raja Muzaffar Bhat for an amount of Rupees Fifty Crores from the […]