Exam Warriors :A Great Guide For Our Youngsters

By Hilal Bukhari
Exam Warriors is a great book authored by the present Prime minister of India Narendra Modi which has been dedicated to youth of New India. Being full of great wisdom, knowledge and matchless expertise its energizing and inspiring content seems influenced by a number of experts knowledge gurus. The author has brilliantly and skillfully assembled a number of great mantras to advise great things to his readers. The book is a collection of thirty four mantras (among which first twenty eight are directed towards the students and the next six are for the parents of this country) and many more tips for teachers and other readers.
The book’s chief aim seems to inspire and guide the students in a skillful manner so that they can face their exams and their lives efficiently and more prudently.
The author begins by suggesting the students to celebrate the exams like the festivals and never let the exam stress to bog them down. The exams are only a means to check their current preparation. They are not about life and death of the students. The students have been brilliantly advised to keep smiling and even laughing during the exam times to keep them in joy and delighted. The students are advised to face the exams like the warriors and not to present themselves as the worriers. The students should aim to pursue the knowledge. Exams are only a means to attain that purpose. The students must know that the their biggest competition in this world is with their own selves and not against anyone else. They should know the value of the present and learn how to enjoy every particular moment with self discipline and diligence. Because the present is God’s greats gift for us the students must learn to live “here and now.” The students must also learn to use the technology properly. Technology is a positive force multiplier. Students have every right to get attracted to it. But they must not let themselves become addicted to it which could be dangerous and devastating for them. The students are also brilliantly taught to learn the importance of rest, sleep and play particularly during their exams which is a comparatively stressful time for them. Students are advised to have confidence and believe in themselves. They should take every new test or exam as their own exam and use their methods properly by choosing their own styles of writing, discussion and arguing without any hindrance or fear.
One of the most important suggestion, I think the book shares is that to cheat is to be cheap. Students should prefer defeat over cheating. Human creativity must always prevail over cheating and plagiarism.
Students must also learn the skill to mix themselves with others artfully. They must learn to step out of their comfort zones and play the vital roles as the community or the society might expect from them. The students must also be able to create their own opportunities and be the masters of their own destinies. They should also feel grateful to all those who have helped them during their journies like their parents, teachers and all others. The students must pay attention to depression. It is increasing at an alarming rate in our country. Students must learn to express their feelings properly. They must never suppress their feelings that might bring devestating results for them. The students must also know that great goals are those which are within the reach but not easily achievable. This means that hardwork is must for attaining the real success in this world.
The author has also shared some valuable suggestions for the parents. They are advised to keep encouraging their children without any break. They have to back their wards to achieve the real heights. The parents must learn to become their child’s friend if they are not already. This shall keep the depression away from their children. They must also learn to give freedom to their children to choose their dreams according to their own wills and tastes. Sometimes the parents try to fulfill their own unfulfilled dreams through their children which leads to threatening consequences. The parents must learn to keep their minds open. They must be ready to give and allow the feedback from both sides. They must also work together with the teachers of their children to solve all the issues hindering the proper educational growth of their wards.
To conclusion, we might say that Exam Warriors is a great guide for all the students and their parents who are serious for achieving educational success in the real sense. Mr. Prime Minister has also shared a letter of inspiration and affection with the teachers who have been declared as the real gurus of knowledge in this book. Therefore, I think it is a must read for all the lovers of education and knowledge. The great thing about this book is that you can read it in a few hours only and gather the knowledge which might be greater than knowledge extracted from many other fater books put together if you able to concentrate in a proper manner. Then it gives the readers a rare chance to give their feedbacks and share their own mantras at the Narendra Modi app.

Author is a Teacher in Education Department. Can be reached at [email protected]

Note: The views  and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinion of the author.

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