Srinagar,01 May: Sgejac severely criticise govt deceision regarding service matters of erstwhile state government employees. Mr Aijaj khan, suresh Sharma, Sushil Sudan senior trade union leaders of the state in a statement paid floral tributes to the Chicago martyred . They said the sacrifices of hundred of labour leaders won’t go waste as eight hour working was fixed due to their struggle. They said that trade unionism in india is at lowest ebb and capitalists forces are still exploiting the labour class. The labour leaders are required to rise to the occasion and pledged to start with we will not allow any exploitation of the working class in jk UT.The leaders welcome the decion of railway ministry for running five special trains bringing the stranded labourers to their state.
Referring to the recent decision of ut govt regarding referring of all service related matters of employees to CAT chandigarh. They strongly opposed the decion and demanded it’s roll back lest the employees will come on roads to agitate it. The decision is not only fraught with hardships,financial burden but lot of inconvenience due to CAT located at chandigarh more than 600 kms from kashmir. The already running litigations of the employees will get a sever blow as they have now to hire lawyers for chandigarh.They appealed to LG to have fresh look at this anti employees order issued in haste and also cautioned rank and file if sgejac to tighten their belts for future action