Grand Mufti urges Imams to read prayers for repentance on loud speakers after Maghrib prayers tomorrow, asks people to participate from their lawns amid social distancing
Srinagar, April 07 (KNO): The Srinagar administration on Tuesday imposed ban on holding any religious congregation in the district on the occasion of Shab-e-Baraat (night of blessings) in the wake of pandemic outbreak-Covid-19.
Shab-e-Baraat is observed across the sub-continent with religious fervor on the night of 14th of Islamic Calendar month, Shabaan. As per wire service—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the district magistrate Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary has issued an order prohibiting all sorts of religious congregation and public movement on the occasion of Shab-e-Barat in Srinagar.
The order issued under Section 144 of CrPC states that the decision to prohibit religious gatherings during the occasion has been taken based on recommendations of concerned authorities and reports from the field.
However, talking to KNO, Kashmir’s grand Mufti Nasir-ul-Islam said that people of Kashmir must follow the directions and guidelines issued by the health department to prevent spread of Covid-19. “However, I urge the Imams and Khateebs of Kashmir to recite Touba-e-Istigfaar (prayers for repentance) soon after Maghrib prayers (tomorrow) while
as people would assemble in their lawns and participate in the same and seek Allah’s refuge from the pandemic,” he said, adding that the protocol especially social distancing should be followed in true spirit—